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Réplique du jour

« Jesus and I agreed to see other people, now that don’t mean we don’t still talk from time to time. »

(Lafayette Reynolds, True blood)

« Jesus and I agreed to see other people, now that don’t mean we don’t still talk from time to time. » (Lafayette Reynolds, True...

La Suite

Posted by on Août 24, 2009 in Réplique du jour | 0 comments

Réplique du jour

« I got a reputation to live up to. I mean if my show does not make people vomit and have an erection at the same time then I’ve let my audience down. »

(Vince Masuka, Dexter)

« I got a reputation to live up to. I mean if my show does not make people vomit and have an erection at the same time then I’ve let my audience down. » (Vince Masuka,...

La Suite

Posted by on Août 23, 2009 in Réplique du jour | 2 comments

Réplique du jour

« Pilots call me Starbuck. You may refer to me as God. »

(Lieutenant Kara « Starbuck » Thrace, Battlestar Galactica)

« Pilots call me Starbuck. You may refer to me as God. » (Lieutenant Kara « Starbuck » Thrace, Battlestar...

La Suite

Posted by on Août 21, 2009 in Réplique du jour | 2 comments
