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Réplique du jour

« Lies are a tool. They can be used either for good or… no, wait, I’ve got a better one ! Lies are like children : hard work, but they’re worth it because the future depends on them.« 

(Dr Gregory House, House MD)

« Lies are a tool. They can be used either for good or… no, wait, I’ve got a better one ! Lies are like children : hard work, but they’re worth it because the future depends on them.«  (Dr Gregory House, House...

La Suite

Posted by on Avr 10, 2008 in Réplique du jour | 0 comments

Réplique du jour

« Your second week, I had to cover for you, pretend I was a medic because you were hung over and unreachable. »

(Toshiko Sato, Torchwood)

« Your second week, I had to cover for you, pretend I was a medic because you were hung over and unreachable. » (Toshiko Sato,...

La Suite

Posted by on Avr 9, 2008 in Réplique du jour | 5 comments
