Humeur du jour
Comment ça, pas bonne, ma purée ???
Comment ça, pas bonne, ma purée...
La Suite« I had a good job before this. I thought in a year or two, perhaps a baby… I know Rhys would be a good dad and I could try for Desk Sergeant and, well, it was all slotting into place. And then I met you lot. All these things, all these things, they?EUR(TM)re changing me, changing how I see the world and I can?EUR(TM)t share them with anyone. »
(Gwen Cooper, Torchwood)
« I had a good job before this. I thought in a year or two, perhaps a baby… I know Rhys would be a good dad and I could try for Desk Sergeant and, well, it was all slotting into place. And then I met you lot. All these things, all these things, they?EUR(TM)re changing me, changing how I see the world and I can?EUR(TM)t share them with anyone. » (Gwen Cooper,...
La SuiteLes enfants, on déménage.
Dorénavant, rendez-vous à :
Mettez vos favoris à jour !
(Eh oui. Madame s’offre son propre nom de domaine. )
Les enfants, on déménage. Dorénavant, rendez-vous à : Mettez vos favoris à jour ! (Eh oui. Madame s’offre son propre nom de domaine....
La Suite« Look, I’ve shared cars with women before and I know what’ll happen : there’ll be an emergency, we’ll all hurry to go, I jump in, what do I find ? Seat’s in the wrong position, rearview mirror’s out of line, and the steering wheel’s in my crotch. »
(Owen Harper, Torchwood)
« Look, I’ve shared cars with women before and I know what’ll happen : there’ll be an emergency, we’ll all hurry to go, I jump in, what do I find ? Seat’s in the wrong position, rearview mirror’s out of line, and the steering wheel’s in my crotch. » (Owen Harper,...
La SuiteCe matin, Fangio a sorti sa caisse…
(Profitant du temps de merde, de l’heure matinale et des rues désertes, histoire de s’habituer à sa petite « chiotte » et de manoeuvrer tranquillement.)
C’était bien bon !
Ce matin, Fangio a sorti sa caisse… (Profitant du temps de merde, de l’heure matinale et des rues désertes, histoire de s’habituer à sa petite « chiotte » et de manoeuvrer tranquillement.) C’était bien...
La Suite