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Humeur du jour

Frère = parti.
Dark Side = parti.
Inspiration = nulle.
Energie = inexistante.

(Et c’est comme ça que sans s’en rendre compte, on vient de mater sept épisodes de Survivor. Ah bravo.)

Frère = parti. Dark Side = parti. Inspiration = nulle. Energie = inexistante. (Et c’est comme ça que sans s’en rendre compte, on vient de mater sept épisodes de Survivor. Ah...

La Suite

Posted by on Juil 10, 2008 in Humeur du jour | 7 comments

Réplique du jour

« Listen, you’re not the one who’s going to have to knit himself a new arse after 25 years of aggressive male affection in prison showers, I’m coming with you ! »

(Gene Hunt, Life on Mars)

« Listen, you’re not the one who’s going to have to knit himself a new arse after 25 years of aggressive male affection in prison showers, I’m coming with you ! » (Gene Hunt, Life on...

La Suite

Posted by on Juil 10, 2008 in Réplique du jour | 0 comments

Réplique du jour

« Come on, Dad, you’ve got to help me. I’ve got to get better, I’ve got to get back in there. You haven’t called a soul for help, you haven’t even tried. Aren’t you going to do anything, aren’t you even going to say anything ? I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked me, everything. I’ve given everything I’ve ever had, and you’re just going to sit there and watch me die ? What the hell kind of father are you ?! »

(Dean Winchester, Supernatural)

« Come on, Dad, you’ve got to help me. I’ve got to get better, I’ve got to get back in there. You haven’t called a soul for help, you haven’t even tried. Aren’t you going to do anything, aren’t you even going to say anything ? I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked me, everything. I’ve given everything I’ve ever had, and you’re just going to sit there and watch me die ? What the hell kind of father are you ?! » (Dean Winchester,...

La Suite

Posted by on Juil 9, 2008 in Réplique du jour | 4 comments
