Réplique du jour
« Use your death grip, Spock ! The death grip ! »
(Ando Masahashi, Heroes)
« Use your death grip, Spock ! The death grip ! » (Ando Masahashi,...
La Suite« Use your death grip, Spock ! The death grip ! »
(Ando Masahashi, Heroes)
« Use your death grip, Spock ! The death grip ! » (Ando Masahashi,...
La SuiteJ’adore Sting…
(Mais je me suis toujours jurée de ne jamais le voir en concert… )
J’adore Sting… (Mais je me suis toujours jurée de ne jamais le voir en concert…...
La SuiteFrère = parti.
Dark Side = parti.
Inspiration = nulle.
Energie = inexistante.
(Et c’est comme ça que sans s’en rendre compte, on vient de mater sept épisodes de Survivor. Ah bravo.)
Frère = parti. Dark Side = parti. Inspiration = nulle. Energie = inexistante. (Et c’est comme ça que sans s’en rendre compte, on vient de mater sept épisodes de Survivor. Ah...
La Suite« Listen, you’re not the one who’s going to have to knit himself a new arse after 25 years of aggressive male affection in prison showers, I’m coming with you ! »
(Gene Hunt, Life on Mars)
« Listen, you’re not the one who’s going to have to knit himself a new arse after 25 years of aggressive male affection in prison showers, I’m coming with you ! » (Gene Hunt, Life on...
La SuiteC’est normal que je sois pressée de retourner bosser au bout de seulement une semaine ?
C’est normal que je sois pressée de retourner bosser au bout de seulement une...
La Suite« Come on, Dad, you’ve got to help me. I’ve got to get better, I’ve got to get back in there. You haven’t called a soul for help, you haven’t even tried. Aren’t you going to do anything, aren’t you even going to say anything ? I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked me, everything. I’ve given everything I’ve ever had, and you’re just going to sit there and watch me die ? What the hell kind of father are you ?! »
(Dean Winchester, Supernatural)
« Come on, Dad, you’ve got to help me. I’ve got to get better, I’ve got to get back in there. You haven’t called a soul for help, you haven’t even tried. Aren’t you going to do anything, aren’t you even going to say anything ? I’ve done everything you’ve ever asked me, everything. I’ve given everything I’ve ever had, and you’re just going to sit there and watch me die ? What the hell kind of father are you ?! » (Dean Winchester,...
La Suite