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[Californication] 103 : The whore of Babylon

Hank : Once upon a time, I wrote a book. People seemed to dig it, so I wrote another and one after that. That’s when Hollywood came knocking at my back door. As soon as I cashed that check, I wrapped my lips around the mighty erection that is the film industry and sucked hard, just like a good whore should. Unfortunately, I had to be taught not to orphan the balls.
Todd : Moody !
Hank : Ladies and gentlemen, Todd Carr, the caramel-coated, chrome-domed auteur who took my precious little novel, wiped his ass, and transformed it into the craptastic crowd-pleaser also known as Crazy Little Thing Called Love.

Hank : Once upon a time, I wrote a book. People seemed to dig it, so I wrote another and one after that. That’s when Hollywood came knocking at my back door. As soon as I cashed that check, I wrapped my lips around the mighty erection that is the film industry and sucked hard, just like a good whore should. Unfortunately, I had to be taught not to orphan the balls. Todd : Moody ! Hank : Ladies and gentlemen, Todd Carr, the caramel-coated, chrome-domed auteur who took my precious little novel, wiped his ass, and transformed it into the craptastic crowd-pleaser also known as Crazy Little Thing Called...

La Suite

Posted by on Fév 5, 2009 in Fourre-tout | 8 comments

Humeur du jour

Grand moment de solitude, aujourd’hui, à la cantine. Apparemment, tous les géants de la boîte avaient décidé de manger la même chose que moi. A un moment, j’ai pris mon portevoix pour demander à l’un d’eux quel temps il faisait là-haut. Ce représentant jusque là inconnu de la race Big Foot a rougi comme une demoiselle. Du coup, moi aussi ! So cute.

Grand moment de solitude, aujourd’hui, à la cantine. Apparemment, tous les géants de la boîte avaient décidé de manger la même chose que moi. A un moment, j’ai pris mon portevoix pour demander à l’un d’eux quel temps il faisait là-haut. Ce représentant jusque là inconnu de la race Big Foot a rougi comme une demoiselle. Du coup, moi aussi ! So...

La Suite

Posted by on Fév 4, 2009 in Humeur du jour | 5 comments
