Yiiiiiick !!!
Voilà ce qu’écrit Ron sur son nouveau blog…
I refuse to believe that we won???t finish, that we won???t be back to film our final stories, but I know and accept there is that possibility. The strike will be a seminal event for many of us in this business as it???s put literally everything we care about in the balance (if only for a short time so far) for something we all believe is important.
Même dans mes fantasmes les plus noirs, il ne m’était JAMAIS venu à l’idée que… tout puisse s’arrêter définitivement.
Voilà ce qu’écrit Ron sur son nouveau blog… I refuse to believe that we won???t finish, that we won???t be back to film our final stories, but I know and accept there is that possibility. The strike will be a seminal event for many of us in this business as it???s put literally everything we care about in the balance (if only for a short time so far) for something we all believe is important. Même dans mes fantasmes les plus noirs, il ne m’était JAMAIS venu à l’idée que… tout puisse s’arrêter...
La Suite