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Memorable remarks (2)

T’Pol (à propos d’une bestiole qui tente de les bouffer, Jonathan et elle) : Domesticated. They’re smaller… slightly.
Archer : How slightly ?
T’Pol : You have Porthos.
Archer : Porthos doesn’t try and eat me when I’m late with his dinner !
T’Pol : Vulcan children are NEVER late with their sehlat’s dinner.
Archer: I can believe that.

Shran (à Jonathan) : Try to stay out of trouble, pink-skin.

Archer : You missed T’Pol’s latest battle with chopsticks.
Trip : Darn. Dinner and a show. ( )

Trip (à propos de l’Odyssée d’Homère) : I’d rather realign every microcircuit on this shuttle than try to read through that baby.
Malcolm : British schools have a core curriculum. It serves to provide a well-rounded education. Sometimes I think you North Americans read nothing but comic books and those ridiculous science fiction novels.
Trip : I’ll have you know that Superman was laced with metaphor. Subtext layered on subtext.

Soval : Captain Archer, your presence on this mission has not been… unduly burdensome.
(Soval s’en va)
Shran : I think he likes you, pink-skin.

Archer : When I used to dream about this mission, the last thing I envisioned was having a Vulcan onboard who continuously sucked the air out of the room.

Phlox : If I’m not mistaken, they are preparing to mate. Do you think they might let me watch ?

Trip : I don’t like pushing the engines at 110%.
T’Pol : They are rated for 120.
Trip : My underwear’s flame-retardant, but it doesn’t mean I want to set fire to myself to prove it !

(Oh putain, celle-là elle est SU-BLI-ME !! )

T’Pol: « Delicate » is not a word I associate with Mr. Tucker.

Dr. Jeremy Lucas : You son of a bitch !
Dr. Arik Soong : Actually, mother was a chemist.

Trip : How many warning shots do Vulcans usually fire ?
Soval : None.

Archer (ligoté avec T’Pol) : Houdini could get out of this.
T’Pol : Perhaps you should invite him on your next mission.

Bu’kaH : I’ve never seen your kind before, but you have made an enemy of the Klingon Empire.
Archer: From what I’ve noticed, that’s not hard to do.

Archer (à Soval et T’Pol, concernant les Andoriens) : No offense, but my ears are less likely to draw fire then yours.
Soval : (à T’Pol) : What is their fixation with our ears ?
T’Pol : I believe they are envious.

Archer : We should be entering the nebula.
T’Pol : The readings could be misleading.
Archer : As Dr. Phlox would say – optimism.
T’Pol : Optimism doesn’t alter the laws of physics.

Malcolm : I’ve also been working on a new alert signal. Tell me what you think… Or this one ? Which one do you prefer ?
Trip : For what ?
Malcolm : A tactical alert !
Trip : They both sound like a bag full of cats !
Malcolm : Well, they were designed to get your attention !

(Au cinéma)
Phlox: Something tells me we haven’t seen the last of the detective with the bow tie.
Trip : No, he died in a house fire.
Phlox : Ah, did he ? The autopsy was inconclusive. I wouldn’t be surprised if the body belonged to the delivery man. With the strange limp. You never did see him leave the house.
Trip : What about the gardener ? He was there too.
Phlox : Too tall. Even the primitive forensics of the mid-20th century would have determined that.
T’Pol : Perhaps we should watch and find out.
Trip : Part of the fun of a mystery is trying to solve it before it ends, using logic. You of all people should appreciate that.
T’Pol : Then use logic more quietly.

Trip (à un Vulcain) : For people without emotion, you sure have a flair for the dramatic.

Et voilà, j’avais ça en magasin depuis quelques temps. Hope you enjoyed it !

Posted by on Mai 15, 2006 in Star Trek : Enterprise | 0 comments

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